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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:26 PM // 23:26   #1
Lion's Arch Merchant
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Default Gw's fun factor killed off quickly?

I was greatly upset to find myself bored with GW after the first month. I had beaten the game and been to every city so basically all thats left to do is pvp which all in all isnt very fun.

When it boils down to it, the game lacks supremacy, and what I mean is, there's not many ways that you can be that much better than the next guy. This game is all about your teams build and strategically having a full proof plan.

Problem is, Youre char cant really kick ass more than the next. It's all balanced itself into boredom. If the devs could simply throw in some d2 elements that made it so fun, then we'd be ok. Elements such as PK's and more item reliability. Because currently you cant really have a good item without having to sacrifice something else such as energy degen. In d2, You can put things into your weapon to make the weapon it self better, not the character stats. Beside the grind being tedious and the lvl cap being rediculously low, The pvp and weapon system are the only really negative points about guild wars. I can only hope that they plan on re-vamping and tweaking some of these things for the X-pack.

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:30 PM // 23:30   #2
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Elements such as PK's and more item reliability.
Yes because level 99s running into games to slaughter level 9s and people shouting "OMG U ITAMZ SUXXORZ U NOOB" was what made D2 a fun game.
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:30 PM // 23:30   #3
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I didnt say mimic d2 exactly. Intergration my friend
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:32 PM // 23:32   #4
Frost Gate Guardian
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Why not go play a full-fledged MMO? It'll be lots more "item" and "level" oriented in those.

Edit: And as far as making that ultimate weapon yourself issue, that *can* be done. There's only one small problem with it. Not everyone can do this. That's why Guild Wars is so cool. The game naturally (or with the help of the devs) balances itself out. It's not how god your item is. It's how good *you* are, as a player, essentially.

Being able to kick ass just because your weapon has 300+ regen per hit and the other guy doesn't...that feels empty, to a lot of the people who enjoy the CORPG aspect that Guild Wars *defines*.

Last edited by Izzy Izumi; Jul 06, 2005 at 11:34 PM // 23:34..
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:32 PM // 23:32   #5
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I'm sorry but did you fail to read the box or the website before buying the game?

Everything you disagree with about Guildwars ... IS in fact why the rest of us play. My suggestion is for you to go back to D2 if you are unhappy. Remember, GW is in its birth ... D2 is years old. sad to see posts like this but your looking for the wrong thing here ... everyone else thrives on this game because of the balannced boredom you spoke of. Guess we are all missing something here.
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:32 PM // 23:32   #6
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This is not the game for you.

You want power through character as opposed to power through skills. "My stick is bigger than your stick, so I win". "I was levelling while you were earning a living at work, so I'm better than you". ArenaNet actively published their intent to try and do away with this kind of mentality, it was pretty much the main selling point of their game.

You probably bought it hoping this would be another Diablo II, but it's not. It shares some elements, it doesn't share others, you happen to enjoy those elements it doesn't share. Hence you are bored, but that is just because you didn't pay enough attention to which game you were buying.
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:34 PM // 23:34   #7
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I've heard piles of complaints concerning the same things. And I dont play d2, never did. I've tried it and my friend is a fiend for it so thats how i know.

I just said it's lost its fun, and it has. pvp can be fun at times, but after you do everything pvp is all thats left, thats not fair
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:36 PM // 23:36   #8
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Not really. Just turn off your GW game, then wait for the expansions. Or, hell, wait for quest updates by checking in on every now and then. I was rather surprised they added three more quests, just as part of the last update.
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:36 PM // 23:36   #9
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Instituting ganking will not make the game more fun
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:36 PM // 23:36   #10
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I have to admit. GW is starting to bore me. What made Diablo 2 fun was the variety of items in it. I have pretty much done what I could in PvE (except FoW and UW which I cant do because my chars were not made for that. Im making a ranger just for that.) I know you will say "do pvp" but for pvp to be fun, you have to win. And to win, in guildwars, you need to have a different build every few weeks or so. And frankly, I cant unlock that many skills. Missions get boring after the tenth time and the items all are the same which makes for a pretty boring PvE experience. So that throws out making another character to unlock through PvE. So what about unlocking through PvP? Pshh you can forget about that. If you dont have any of the current "in" builds then your pretty much screwed.

HOWEVER, the game has given me a lot of entertainement and it has been the second most played game in my lifetime (First is DII, third is Starcraft.) I guess its just time to move on.
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:37 PM // 23:37   #11
Ascalonian Squire
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Feel this might not be the best game for you, With a PvP System that is Intergrated with the PvE System there is alot of balance this would ruin.

Only way this could happen is if
a) PvE and PvP where severed from eachother
b) PvE only eqp where added that can not be eqped in the arena.
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:37 PM // 23:37   #12
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umm exuse you all...youre getting my message crossed. I love the game to death, I've played countless hours of it and worked pretty hard on all four characters. I for one didnt like diablo 2, but im saying the reason kids have fun with it is because you can just get out and kill and really show your skill.

This game takes a lot of skill as well, but not the same kind.

You have no place to say anything about me concerning this game, seeing as how i go to an internet cafe with my guild memeber to play 11 hours straight once a week
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:38 PM // 23:38   #13
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Sometimes people act as if theres never going to be expansions. Theres gonna be a free one soon, and a pay one next year I think.

And don't even start about having to pay for expansions, the game as it is was SO WORTH my $50.
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:39 PM // 23:39   #14
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Dude, you CAN put things in your weapons to make them better. I don't believe that you could beat the game and not know this.
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:40 PM // 23:40   #15
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GW is a great, fun game that has amazing mechanics. However, you're right that it does suffer from a lack of content at times. A more diverse item selection would help a lot.
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:41 PM // 23:41   #16
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read my post kuramaroze. The upgrades mostly affect your character, not the weapon itself, the most that will happen is 20% more damage 10% of the time
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:56 PM // 23:56   #17
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I like the idea of PvE only items. That way, they couldn't be used in the PvP part thereby maintaining the balance for the GvG/PvP action. That's a nice balance but probably a scripting nightmare.
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Old Jul 06, 2005, 11:57 PM // 23:57   #18
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Originally Posted by Aniewiel
I like the idea of PvE only items. That way, they couldn't be used in the PvP part thereby maintaining the balance for the GvG/PvP action. That's a nice balance but probably a scripting nightmare.
Ooo that sounds really good.
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Old Jul 07, 2005, 12:01 AM // 00:01   #19
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I hit a similar roadblock about a week ago. I had beat the game with my first character. I had all towns and outposts on my map, and I was feeling rather bored. Then I went on a run with a guildmate through Mineral Springs. What a blast... just exploring, seeing all the devs put into the game, all the little touches. Now I'm working on exploring the whole world map. All you really need to do is change your perspective on the game... adjust your character, come up with personal goals. There is SO much to do in this game it's really kinda crazy. Use your imagination.
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Old Jul 07, 2005, 12:02 AM // 00:02   #20
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Yeah, sorry OP, but if you'd done ANY research on the game at all before you bought it you'd know that what you said the game needs less exactly what they strived for when making the game. It's supposed to be skill and tactics more than equipment, they did that intentionally.

We need to show that post to all those who say that gear makes an insane difference.
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